Metasetu Solutions

Discover Our Suite of Solutions: Elevating Businesses with
Next-Generation Platforms

AI Powered Sentiment Analysis engine

Sentiment analysis, a subset of AI, employs the techniques of natural language processing and machine learning to automatically categorize a given text as positive, negative, or neutral based on the embedded emotions and opinions.

The NLP element converts human language into a form that machines can interpret. This is achieved through syntactic and semantic techniques. Syntactic techniques focus on understanding the structure of a text using methods such as tokenization, lemmatization, and part-of-speech tagging, while semantic techniques aim to comprehend the text’s meaning.

AI Powered Sentiment Analysis engine

With the ability to process large amounts of data in real-time, our engine provides businesses with valuable insights into consumer thoughts, trends and sentiments, empowering them to make informed decisions and improve their products, services and overall customer experience.

AI Powered Recommendation engine

Our AI-based Recommendation Engine delivers tailored suggestions by analyzing user preferences, driving engagement and fostering conversions.

Predictive Analysis Engine

Analyzing vast datasets and identifying underlying trends and correlations, our engine provides actionable insights and predictions, empowering businesses to make informed decisions and anticipate future trends with confidence

AI Powered Image detection and segmentation Engine

Our AI Powered Image Detection and Segmentation Engine utilizes advanced deep learning techniques to accurately identify objects within images and segment them into distinct regions.

DateSetu - Low code/No Code Data pipeline

Streamline data processing, visualization, and analytics at scale with a No-Code data pipeline, equipped with data lake and distributed processing capabilities.

Distributed Data lake for big data

Hadoop/HDFS based data lake with distributed processing power on apache spark


Billing and subscription management system

Carbon credit management

Carbon footprint calculation engine for organizations

Rexo ERP

Smart ERP solutions for small and mid sized manufacturing companies.

IOT anti theft and telemetry

Our IoT Anti-Theft and Telemetry SAS Platform ensures IoT device security and telemetry with advanced monitoring, alerting, and real-time data for enhanced device management and performance optimization.